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HIV/AIDS Status Test Voluntary Counseling and Test

Health Education (Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS)

Our body needs proper care if we are to live long and healthy lives. Human being's body is a complicated organism and one cannot afford to neglect any part of his/her body, because if one part of your body suffers, all the other parts suffer with it too. Despite its billions cells, the body is a united front. The foods we eat give us energy and provide body-building materials needed to build our body. Therefore eating a balanced diet is vital to good health, as is exercising our body regularly to keep us fit, relaxing yourself, keeping your body neat always and planning your family. All of these aspects well give you the sense of living and control over your life.

YLF educates her children and others in the community about the dangers of unprescribed drugs, because not only can they affect one’s mental clarity, alertness and physical strength, but can also affect one's heart and other parts leading to the development of bad motives. The areas of importance tackled annually under this health education programme include: Health Millennium Development Goals (MDGs - 4, 5 and 6), Malaria, Tuberculosis, Reproductive Health Rights (RHR), Antiretroviral Treatment (ART), HIV/AIDS voluntary counseling and testing (VCT), other STDs and behaviour change communication (BCC), and community sensitization.
We carry on our sensitization and awareness creation to very remote villages, churches and associations because in such places, the impact on health is very alarming : villagers are most prone to infectious diseases, especially malaria because information on very effective insecticides do not reach them and they cannot afford insecticide treated mosquito nets or pay for cost of Health Insurance and treatment at the health centres. Family planning is another delicate issue in the communities. We endeavour to educate the teenegaers as well as adults on the need of using contraceptives, if they cannot abstain from sex, in order to control their family sizes since the increasing population of members of each family and the economic demands are not at par.
We educate on preventive measures aimed at eradicating the possibility of them acquiring any killer disease, including the deadly HIV/AIDS. Our outreach programs engulf campaigning against this deadly disease, HIV/AIDS, which has become the worst terrorist amongst diseases so far in Africa.

YLF holds several programmes quarterly in Agona and the surrounding districts, raising awareness of the deadly HIV/AIDS. These programmes include education on the preventions, dangers and coping with the disease. Throughout the community YLF is trying to increase the availability of condoms, encouraging people that they are not bad! The YLF also works closely with the victims of HIV/AIDS and run confidential work shops once a month where PLHIVs can gather and talk about their problems/ worries, gain confidential advice and also giving them a chance to be open in themselves around people suffering from the same disease and health professionals.

The importation of hard drugs is on the increase and YLF is working hard to raise the awareness of these drugs in and around the community. YLF is aware that vulnerable people are most likely to become the victims of drug abuse and therefore it is crucial to them to prevent this.
The YLF in collaboration with Agona Government Hospital carries out antiretroviral treatment, Voluntary counseling and testing for HIV/ AIDS patients and also train them with economic activities with the hope that their boredom, frustration and lack of hope are eradicated. Alliance for Reproductive Health as a civil right group which also collaborates with us in educating the youth in the various communities on pertinent issues related to their health. We plead with volunteers, philanthropist organizations and every one with the ability to donate or render services, come to our aid to help our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers in the various deprived communities, create hope and livelihood for them.

HIV AIDS Education Voluntary Counseling and Test Free T Shirt for VCT
If you save a child today, you save a future family, a whole nation. The Young and Lonely Child needs your support to be healthy through times. The negligence of today, is the regret of tomorrow. Render your service as a Voluntary health worker now to save a helpless child and leave an indelible mark of high virtue on your conscience, and society!

YLF: The Child, our Hope for Future.